I've been pondering just exactly
how to blog about RSVPing. I know I want to blog about it, but I don't want to offend the masses (as if 'the masses' are reading this). Since I'm not sure how to blog about proper RSVPing with out sounding like a whiny, snivelling creature I guess I'll take a few minutes to talk about something deeper. Did you know that the finger licker at my local Starbuck's got fired? Even though the remaining employees assured me that it wasn't because I officially complained about him (three times), I can't help but feel badly that he got canned. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's gone. I mean, a person can only handle so much mucus on their money. However, it appears there were bigger issues than my problem with his phlegm. I must admit: it is incredibly refreshing to pull up in the parking lot, park my car, go inside and order my drink. Sounds normal, right? Well, when the finger-licker was still employed I would need to pull my car up and stake the place out to see if he was at the counter. If he was, I politely backed my way out and went on my way - Starbuck's-less. (yes, it
was difficult, but not as difficult as trying to put my licked money in my wallet without touching the licked part). ...as for RSVP'ing here are the rules in a nutshell:
- If you are attending - say 'yes'
- If you aren't attending - say 'no'
- If you say 'yes' show up
...now that isn't so hard, is it?