Monday, August 31, 2009

This was good for a laugh...

If you follow Dave Ramsey (heretofore referred to as DR) you know that he is big on the envelope system for some areas of spending. I have taken this DR concept to heart. At the beginning of every month, I trot myself down to my bank and hand the teller a piece of paper that allocates precisely how many $50's, $20's, $10's, $5's and $1's I will need for my envelopes. The process is simple, since I have everything multiplied out for her. In fact, the hardest part for me is handing her the paper. The thought crosses my mind, "What if they think this is a stick-up?" Anyway, on this particular day, the brain-iac behind the counter took my piece of paper, saw the total amount, and started counting out her own version of what I needed. I kindly explained to her that I actually needed it in the denominations I laid out (uh, this is why I actually did that part before I got to the bank), prompting her to start over. When she got to the tens the following conversation took place (are you ready?)

Teller: "I only have four $10's."
Me: "What?"
Teller: "I only have four $10's."
Me: "In the whole bank?" (I know it was wrong to mock her)
Teller: "No, here."
Me: "Well, I feel certain that there must be more somewhere in this bank."
Teller (pondering this for far too long): "Yeah, but I'd have to cash some money out."
Me: "Okay."

She did figure out how to walk to another teller and get me some more tens. It was rather frightening, but good for a laugh. Poor thing.

She's probably blogging about her own version of the same story. Talking about how "this old lady walked in and just HAD to HAVE her money in certain DENOMINATIONS!!! Like, whatever, you would have thought her world was going to stop turning if she didn't have just the right number of TENS!!!"

Like Dr. Phil says, "Even a flat pancake has two sides to it."

P.S. The DR envelope system works.

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