Wednesday, May 13, 2009

lady of leisure

I am sitting in a La-Z-Boy recliner in the middle of my kitchen while I type this post. I am feeling lazy indeed, as I watch my friendly carpet cleaning man slaving away over my filthy carpet while I rock in this chair. Mind you, it was my intent to clean the kitchen while he cleaned the carpets. However, I failed to remember that when he cleans the carpets he moves all the furniture into the I'm off the hook (lucky me). It is so out of character for me to sit around while workers work. I am usually far to embarrassed to do so. In fact, some of my most productive times are when others are around. The pool man can be outside working on the pool and look inside the window to see me scurrying around my nest picking up and cleaning like a bat out of hell. (Little does he know that when he leaves, and no one is around to see me, I plop my rear down on the sofa to absorb another fascinating episode of The Real Housewives of New York City!) It just occurred to me that the way I could be productive every day is to schedule some repair at my home!

I am trying, desperately, to get ready for Mariah's 16th birthday party on Saturday. Being sick for the last two weeks has not helped my cause. On Monday, I finally said to myself, "START CLEANING" and my self answered back, "okay, if I have to." So I did. The house is coming along and I keep reminding myself that a bunch of teenagers are going to care about the food and friends and not whether my coffee tables are perfectly dusted. Perfectionism...the noose around my neck.

I find my self lurking around people's sites and wonder if everyone does this. I go on Facebook and click on a friend's site then the next thing I know I am visiting all kinds of people that I don't know and who don't know I am visiting them! I do this with blogspot blogs as well. I am not sure why I do this, as I have absolutely NO connection to any of these people. I am presently in some Facebook doo-doo, because I am ignoring friend requests right and left. I know that Facebook is a social networking website. I do get that, but I find it odd to be inviting people into my present day world just because I went to high school with them 32 years ago. These people are strangers to me. I wouldn't know them if I were standing next to them in the Starbuck's line (yum). There is a part of me that says, 'what's the big deal'? but the other part screams, 'don't do it!' so I keep clicking 'ignore'. This action of ignoring then brings on anxiety. I picture myself going to a high school reunion and having a group of people standing next to the chips and dip and whispering, "she ignored my Facebook request."

Which brings me to my latest and greatest gripe: Twittering! What is up with this? We are becoming a nation of The Self Absorbed. I know, I know I have just dropped the hammer on my legion of fans who woke up this morning and thought, "I wonder what Michele is doing right now?" It causes me pain to be disappointing those of you who have been waiting with bated breath to find out when I make my trek to the mailbox each day. I want to do it for you, because as you know my life is uber-exciting, but I just can't do it. I am sick of hearing about it as well. Doesn't the fact that the suspender-wearing-relic, Larry King, is twittering tell you anything? Don't get me wrong, I love Larry King and watch his show several times a week, but I DON'T need to know when he is taking his Metamucil.

The carpets are done and I am reminded once again of what color they are, which isn't the brown I've grown accustomed to. How beautifully refreshing (kind of like this break I had). Thanks for tuning in.

1 comment:

Marie said...

I'm far too curious to ignore friend requests. You won't catch me twittering anytime soon. Yay Adam!