Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dr. Phil-ism

dr. phil never ceases to crack me up...and i needed a laugh today. he was talking to three young women who were each in a dysfunctial marriage. their individual issues are too numerous to mention. (one of the young women broke her husbands collarbone with the leg of a table, but to her credit admitted that she has sought help for her 'anger' issues.) anyway...here it comes...at one point in the conversation dr. phil says,

"if insight were lard the three of you couldn't grease a skillet."

classic. you go, dr. phil. up until today my favorite dr. phil-ism has been, "he'll just have to get glad in the same pants he got mad in." i still laugh about that one, and have repeated it more times than i can count.

hey, at least i'm not watching maury are-you-my-baby's-daddy povich.

1 comment:

Marie said...

That was priceless. I'm glad you blogged about it.